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Jobi – “A jobcentre in your pocket.”Jobi is an independent App designed to provide a gateway to advice, information, support and help for anyone whilst job searching, looking for new employment, an apprenticeship, thinking of becoming self-employed, claiming benefits ( Department Work and Pensions -DWP ) or made redundant.
Key Features include:- Find the nearest Jobcentre Plus office and find a route there.- Useful telephone numbers.- Over 50 major Job Search sites.- Universal Jobmatch - Sector specific Job sites. - Major high street stores/retailers carer pages- Major Government Benefit pages.- Help and Support..- Benefit Calculators.- Redundancy.- Apprenticeships- Self-Employment
And more.
Jobi provides localised information and results which do require your device’s location service to be enabled.
We welcome feedback and would love to hear any comments or suggestions. Tell us what you think by ratingt he App here .